Sabtu, 17 November 2012

10 Sistem operasi yang mendukung teknologi Hyperthreading

  1. linux, Model Multithreading one to one
  2. solaris, Model Multithreading one to one 
  3. Solaris Green Threads, Model Multithreading many to one 
  4. GNU Portable Threads, Model Multithreading many to one 
  5. IRIX Model Multithreading many to many 
  6. Digital unix Model Multithreading many to many 
  7. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Model Multithreading one to one 
  8. Microsoft Windows 2000, Model Multithreading one to one 
  9. Microsoft XP Professional, Model Multithreading one to one 
  10. Microsoft Windows Seven, Model Multithreading one to one
semoga bermanfaat ^-^
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